Track Campaign Results

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You just read some amazing article on LinkedIn Growth Hacking that explains how to become a LinkedIn influencer in 2 days and get a ton of leads and customers. But, things don’t get any better than they are.Don’t be ashamed of that. I was in the same situation as you:

Here’s the story of how Ilya Azovstev got 100.000+ post views in just 2 days. Keep in mind that before this LinkedIn Growth Hack, Ilya had approximately 2000 – 3000 post views on each post. As you can see, Ilya got 28 times more post views than he has connections and followers.Pretty amazing, right?Let me ask you:

Make sure you download the extension in the Chrome browser. If you see the TexAu extension (blue icon. Example in the picture below) in the right corner, you downloaded the extension successfully.

Lempod is the chrome extension where you can join different groups of people that have similar interests or they’re in a similar industry as you.As soon as you publish a post, all of them will automatically engage with your article and give you a little boost.Everything you need to do is to copy/paste an URL of your LinkedIn post in your pods and the people will automatically start engaging with it.

Linkedin Growth Hacking Neil Patel

By the way, I tried to replicate this amazing post by myself (hope you will do as well).Here’re the results: The results aren’t as great as the Guillaume’s, but at least, for the guys with around 800 connections at that time, getting 100 or so connection requests on my doorstep wasn’t bad at all.

The appreciation post above had many positive side-effects. There were new leads, new recruits and even hiring. Etc.. I was able to get a teaching position as an Associate Professor at Loyola Marimount University. My intern was from there. It was amazing to see the power of sharing gratitude, good vibes, and kindness. It is important to create different landing pages to showcase your content. This allows us to evaluate what works and what doesn’t. This allows you check the metrics of individual campaigns.

Linkedin Growth Hacking Neil Patel
Benefits Of Linkedin Training

Benefits Of Linkedin Training

So, while scrolling through your LinkedIn feeds you may have noticed if someone from your connections comments or likes a post, it pops in your newsfeed. This is the best part to engage with LinkedIn members so that you can increase your visibility.

Outreach is compatible with LinkedIn Sales Navigator. The LinkedIn integration will allow you to pull in rich account and lead information from the social media platform. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is not compatible with all CRM systems, so you'll need to be sure to choose one that works best for you.

Linkedin Growth Hacks

LinkedIn is a free platform to advertise and engage with your audience. Posting three to four times per week will make your company page active and optimized. Below are some tips to ensure high-engaging posts.Post only relevant topics related to your business. Contents that are out of your field will confuse your audience. If you are selling food, do not talk about shelter.

When it comes to making your LinkedIn profile more attractive, then add an eye catchy cover photo with your profile picture. You can choose a perfect cover photo showcasing your skills or something relevant to your profession.

Linkedin Access Training
Linkedin Access Training

As you can see, I asked people to comment “guide” in the comments. What I did next, is asking them for their email because the guide was “too big” for LinkedIn.After they received the guide, I usually asked them: “Do you want to receive my next guide when I release it?”From a little bit over 350 people who gave me their email, 312 of them answered with big “YES!”And that’s the story of how I added 312 emails in my newsletter in a single day with a single LinkedIn post with the help of lempod.

Using LinkedIn automation tools helps you achieve your goal of reaching your ideal audience. The right tool can drive more leads, improve conversions, and boost your sales. The paid plan starts at $149/mo. You can add unlimited users and access to their analytics. The platform can even automate your messaging, profile visits, and endorsements.

Track Campaign Results
Accounting For Cloud Based Software Ey

I’m directly working at lemtalk – online Slack Live Chat app.For us, it’s crucial to be recognised from the Slack people, so, I decided to do something I never tried before.As the end result, some of my posts are viewed by 100s of Slack employees while I personally have over 400 connections inside Slack.

LinkedIn isn’t the only platform you can use for successful growth hacking, but it’s probably one of the most effective. If you’re looking to find smart ways to get the word out about your products and services and generate rapid growth, that’s our specialty. Contact Growth Strategy Agency today to learn how we can help grow your business and fill your sales pipeline with our fast-track, customizable outsourced sales solutions.

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